

कोरॉना त्रासदी में डर और व्याकुलता से परे

Corona आज ऐसा शब्द है जो दहशत का प्रतीक बन गया है। खांसी, छींक, सर दर्द, पेट दर्द सब corona की और इशारा करते हुए नजर आते हैं। Corona के डर से सड़के अब धीरे धीरे मध्म चलने लगी हैं, बाज़ार जूझने लगे हैं, सब नजरबंद हैं।

लेकिन ये डर क्यूं?

हम , यानी पूरा विश्व, पूरी इंसानियत, शायद इसलिए डरी है क्यूंकि हमें पता है हम गलत हैं। जितना शोषण हमने अपनी कुदरत का किया है, जितना बेहिसाब दोहन प्राकृतिक संसाधनों का किया है, जितना बेतरतीबी से कुदरत के नियमों का उल्लंघन किया है, अपनी रफ़्तार से कुदरत को रौंदा है , तो corona जैसे माहमारी के तो हम हकदार हैं?

आज हम कहां हैं?

समय ठहर गया है। मन सिहर गया है। आशंकाओं ने घेर लिया है। इंतज़ार ही कर रहे हैं सब की कब प्रकोप कम होने की खबर आए। क्या खबर आ सकती है ऐसी? कौन देगा ये खबर? सब अंदाजा है, सब आंकलन है पिछली घटनाओं के अपेक्षा? क्या सही दिशा में हम चल रहे हैं? क्या हमारे अपने सुरक्षित रहेंगे? लेकिन अगर एक भी जीव असुरक्षित रह गया तो हम कैसे सुरक्षित रह सकेंगे? अभी भी संकुचित मानसिकता नहीं छोड़ पए रही इंसानियत क्या सबक लेगी?

इस विश्व में शायद ही कोई सोचने वाला जीव हो जो इन प्रश्नों से ना जूझ रहा होगा। ये सब आशंकाओं के बादल अपने साथ एक भय और व्याकुलता ले कर आई है। हमें मनुष्यता की आत्मचेतना से इसी डर , इसी घबराहट और इसी बेचैनी से मुक्त करना है। अपने स्वभाव के प्रति जागरूक होकर हम अपने अंदर, अपने परिवार, अपने समाज में बदलाव ला कर इस त्रासदी से नई राह बना सकते हैं।

स्वभाव की परख से पहले के कुछ होमवर्क!

Corona से हमारा डर स्वाभाविक है। जब परिवार पर, समुदाय पर  खतरे का अहसास होता है तो डर तो लगता ही है। तो ये वहम निकल दीजिए की ये डर गलत है। डर से ही बदलाव शुरू होते हैं, नियम कायदे कानून मजबूत होते हैं और व्यवस्थाएं दुरुस्त होती हैं।  ये जानिए इस डर को हम अपने विचार और स्वभाव से ही काबू में रख सकते हैं। अपनी दूरदर्शिता को जागृत कीजिए। ज्ञान को अर्जित कीजिए। एक बड़ी सोच रखें । आपको ज्ञात रहे की आप सम्पूर्ण भ्रमंड में लेश मात्र हैं और जीवन तो वैसे भी नश्वर है। लेकिन अभी corona से कोई मनुष्य सभ्यता खतम नही होने वाली। वो डालेगी फूलेगी और इस त्रसफी से ताकतवर होकर निकलेगी। तो आप भी अपने अंदर की मजबूती को बनाएं रखें।

ये समय ऐसे है शायद हम में से किसी ने पहले अनुभव नहीं किए हैं। कहीं बाहर जा नहीं सकते, घूमना बंद है क्यूंकि सफर पर पाबंदी है, पिक्चर देखने नहीं जा सकते क्यूंकि हॉल बंद हैं, घर के बाहर खा नहीं सकते, घर – परिवार में हमारी दुनिया सिमट गई है। ऐसे में हमारा सहारा टेलीविजन है और उसका भी उपयोग हम संक्रमण की स्तिथि जानने के लिए कर रहे हैं? कितना Corona फैला ये ज़रूर जानकारी रखिए लेकिन अपने मनोरंजन की कीमत पर नहीं। और समाचार चैनलों का हाल आप सब अब तक समझ ही गए होंगे जो 24 घंटे चलने के लिए तिल का ताड़ बनाता है और वो ताड़ को बार बार चलाकर और बड़ा ताड़ बनाता है। तो खबरें अगर सुननी ही हैं तो सही सोर्स से सुनें। जैसे कि दूरदर्शन समाचार। बाकी समय परिवार के साथ गुजरें, बातें करें बच्चों से , उन्हें अच्छी बाते बताएं अच्छे उदाहरण दें। उन्हें Corona के विषय में जानकारी दें, सुरक्षा और सुरक्षित रहने का भाव उत्पन्न करें। बच्चों को बाहर खेलने से मत रोकें और अपना भी रूटीन बनाएं। और अगर आपको अकेलापन महसूस ही ही रहा है तो सोशल मीडिया पर गप्पे लड़ाएं, फोन कॉल कर लें किसी को। यकीन मानिए जिनसे अप बात करेंगे उनको भी अच्छा ही लगेगा क्यूंकि वे भी आपके ही वाली मनोदशा से गुजर रहे हैं।

तो बस होमवर्क आपका ये है कि आपको ये चेक करते रहना है कि लेटेस्ट खबर आप कितनी कितनी देर में सुनते हैं!

अपने स्वभाव के प्रति सजग होने का अवसर दे गया Corona


अब जब हम हमारे पास समय है (!) तो सजग रहने में भी अपना टाइमपास होता है। खुद अवलोकन करिए कि हम कितना बोलते हैं, कितना बोल सकते हैं? घर में कितना झगड़ा हम करते हैं और कैसे कितना झगड़ा करने से हम बच सकते थे? गौर ज़रूर करिए। आपके इस आवलोकान से बाहर तो शांति होगी, भीतर भी शांति रहेगी। इससे आप खुश रहेंगे और डर स्वतः पीछे हो जाएगा। तो अपने स्वभाव को समझना शुरू करना है हमें। हमें देर ज़रूर हो गई है आत्म अवलोकन करने में लेकिन सही समय तो अभी ही है। तो आत्म अवलोकन करिए। समय है। नकारात्मकता को हावी होने से रोकना है हमें। लेकिन कैसे? कुछ नए कार्य कर कर नए प्रयोग कर कर हम नकारात्मकता को पीछे धकेल सकते हैं। नया ज्ञान लीजिए, किताबें पढ़ें, अपनी रुचि की किताबें पढ़ें, Kindle पर ebooks पढ़ने की आदत डालें। इंटरनेट पर नई स्किल्स सीखें। Talentedge, unacademy , byjuS जैसे प्लेटफॉर्म ऑनलाइन अब उपलब्ध हैं जिनसे प्राप्त ज्ञान हमारा जीवन व्यापी में हमेशा साथ देगा। विजडम, लॉजिक से आगे बढ़ने का संकल्प लेने का वक़्त दे रहा है Corona।

हमारे हिन्दू सनातन संस्कृति में वेदों, उपनिषदों, ऋषि मुनियों का अभूतपूर्व ज्ञान उपलब्ध है। श्री श्री रविशंकर जी , सद्गुरु जग्गी वासुदेव जी एवं अन्य पुण्यात्माओं ने इस सनातन ज्ञान को आसान शब्दों में उपलब्ध करा दिया है। यू ट्यूब, सोशल मीडिया पर तमाम सत्संग प्रवचन, ज्ञान की गंगा मौजूद हैं। आर्ट ऑफ लिविंग ने तो सतसंग, गीता, संस्कार, भजन , योग , ध्यान सब अपनी ऐप में आसानी से उपलब्ध करा दिया है। जितना हो सके ज्ञान का अर्जन करें, क्यूंकि हमारे पास समय है और सिर्फ व्याकुलता करने से अपका, आपके अपने का , और किसी का कोई भला नहीं होने वाला। गाइडेड मेडिटेशन करें। नई सकारात्मक ऊर्जा अपने स्वयं से जागृत करें।

इस के प्रति जागरूक हो जाएं की आपके बच्चे भी आप को देख रहे हैं और सीख रहे हैं। अच्छी आदतों का प्रदर्शन करें। बच्चे उसी को फॉलो करेंगे। उनके समक्ष धूम्रपान, नशे का सेवन उनके चिंतन को दूषित करता है वहीं उनके सामने आप अच्छी चीजें देख रहे हैं, अच्छा साहित्य पढ़ रहे हैं और ध्यान ज्ञान में दिख रहे हैं तो ये उनको उनके जीवन में हमेशा लाभप्रद रहेगा।

Corona ने हमें सब कुछ ठीक करने का एक अवसर दिया है। अगर हमने इस अवसर का लाभ ले लिया तो भविष्य की काफी जटिलताओं को हम टाल सकेंगे। नहीं तो संकट तो आते ही रहेंगे। कभी Corona के जैसे कभी प्राकृतिक आपदाओं के जरिए।

कोई इस त्रसदी को हल्के में ना ले। लेकिन इसके डर से ऐसे फैसले भी ना ले की जो समस्या को काम करने के बजाए इसे बढ़ा ही दे और दूसरों को भी संकट में डाल दे। जैसे घर में समान भरकर दुकानें खाली कर देना। ऐसा व्यवहार तर्क संगत नहीं है और आपदा को बढ़ाता है है।

तो संयम रखिए, धैर्य रखिए, कुछ नया करिए और कहिए:



LOVE AAJ KAL – aam aadmi ka review

LOVE AAJ KAL is a heavy dose to bear

#LoveAajKal released today on Valentine’s Day, this takes care of the economy side of the box office. And with so many brand and digital partners the makers have everything going for them. This is an opportunity to prioritise creative storytelling without going much into commercial aspects. Did Love Aaj Kal under-utilised or optimised this scenario? Well, as you come out watching it you feel exhausted.

Imtiyaz Ali is one director in India who have never let cinema down. His every creation is a text book on film making, despite commercial box office success eluding his creations most of the time. He had belief in his stories, his characters, his style and we as mature audience love him for that. But Love Aaj Kal is a repeat for his earlier story. So I would like to put some disclaimer: I have not watched the last Love Aaj Kal so my thoughts are not going towards comparison between the two flicks, but the buzz in the audience was surely that the earlier Saif Ali starrer was better.

Why the Director Writer remake his own creation in a very similar way is something that miss us. Coming to the film the first half is good, infact feels refreshing (as I have not watched the Saif Ali starrer). The second half had ample opportunities for a story teller to sort out the complicated story. The chance was missed. The confusion exhausts the audience. The end was predictable but audience expects unpredictable from Imtiaz Ali.

Strengths of Love Aaj Kal

Intense moments Love Aaj Kal
Intense moments Love Aaj Kal

Acting performances are outstanding. Kartik Aaryan is a sober star and have done full justice to his characters. Sara Ali Khan is a superstar and looks beautiful confident and has immersed herself his her role. And it was delightful to see Randeep Hooda as a shant sober guy. Imtiaz Ali have through this film have given acting scope to many new faces of them Arushi Sharma stands out. Even characters with little roles have been given proper chance to develop their characters. All do justice to their parts. The 90s Kartik Aaryan is someone we all can relate to and some of his dance steps in that time zone all very relatable.

That 90s feeling in Love Aaj Kal

Dialogues are outstanding and thought provoking. More in philosophical zone. Very practical. They give life lessons and are easy to grasp. This is one thing that surely brings lot of positivity to the proceedings in the film.

Weakness- of Love Aaj Kal

Well that film maker could not give people something new , that feeling among the audience is biggest weakness. The first half ends in complications and second half is more complicated, it is hard on the audience. After sometime patience starts draining, sleepiness starts creeping. And one of the reason for this bad bad music. Music is something that soothes and takes story forward. Pritham have failed to evolve his music and the songs sound similar of his past works. No song, no lyrics remains in the memory. The songs hamper the story. This is the biggest disappointment from the film. Only the Twist song in the end credits give some relief. Casting of Kartik Aaryan as young Randeep Hooda is hard to digest and relate to. May be some thinking on part of film makers but its not easy for the viewer to relate. Surely makers could have afforded some other actor to play young Randeep!

Udaipur and Himalayas looked beautiful in the movie. 90s story is shot in Udaipur. The scene detailing is excellent and proves that an ace film maker is shooting it. But something have been taken for granted. For example when Kartik was dancing beside a lake some band walah were looking at him and one curiously says mar jaayega tu. This is done in too slow a tone and audience misses the subtlety and cuteness of it…

Imtiyaz Ali needs to reinvent himself. He may continue filming in this genre but have to start thinking of his audiences also.

I take this Love Aaj Kal as an opportunity wandered. If you love Imtiyaz Ali stamp of film making you may be disppointed because everything here seems to have seen before – be it in Jab We Met or Tamasha or Jab Harry Met Sejal, even Laila Majnu.


The final war against the Urban Naxals?


#UrbanNaxals have long been pampered by the governmentsts and the media. They have been showered with words like ‘activists’, discrediting the word itself. Every politician and bureaucrat tried to be in their good books. These were made part of national policy making. They come in the form of academicians, writers, poets, lawyers. They consider their right of never being questioned for their deeds. The courts oblige them with niceties and mid night hearings.
With #Modi in power this #cottageindustry is in tatters and brimming for vengeance. Efforts have increased to destabilise the government and these efforts border on treason and compromising of national security. Riots, caste wars, award-wapsi, intolerance, provoking people to revolt against the state are their apperent module. On the other hand these urban-naxals are apologists for those who kill security forces and their international brigade joins the bandwagon to try to humiliate the country. Look at your Twitter timeline. As per set narrative an incident happens and within no time you can see the ecosystem tweeting about it as a national calamity (sometimes even the messages are similar).

#EliminateModi and the State will again fall at their feet. The arrests are well-intentioned and this is the problem that it is well-intentioned. Iron cuts iron, conspiracies are hatched and its very difficult for a law abiding state to prove it before the judiciary. The law or the interpretation of law on this land will not be able to prove their direct compliances and circumstantial evidences and documents are too easy to thrash. These people my be released soon or later and will be more venomous. Political opponents of #Modi will use firepower over their shoulders.
But the good thing is that these bastards and bitches of the Nation stands exposed. follow on Twitter  SHARAD TRIPATHI @SHERRYOM

Making kids CORONA PROOF


The young are a confused lot. What started as holidays is now turning into distress and many have started missing their school and friends. But its not going to be any sooner that things may get normal. They are bombarded with lot of inputs and infos regarding Corona , all type of good and fake news. Their fragile mind is not developed to filter out the bad influences and how and where to seek positivity. It’s an important time to be a parent. We cannot let Corona rob our child’s psyche to inhibit his future growth and learnings.

REASSURE KIDS THAT THINGS SHALL SOON BE NORMAL Your goal is to help your children feel informed and get fact-based information that is likely more reassuring than whatever they’re hearing from their friends or on the news.

Don’t be afraid to discuss the coronavirus. Not talking about something can actually make kids worry more.

Answer honestly and clearly. It’s okay if you can’t answer everything; being available to your child is what matters.

Invite your child to tell you anything they may have heard about the coronavirus, and how they feel. Give them ample opportunity to ask questions. You want to be prepared to answer (but not prompt) questions.

Avoid encouraging frightening fantasies. Remove doubts by logics and examples. My 6 year old asked me whether the world is going to end soon!?

As a parent when feeling anxious, take some time to calm down before starting a conversation or answering your child’s questions. If you are yourself agitated or tense you are going to pass it to your young.

Be reassuring. Children are very egocentric, so hearing about the coronavirus on the news may be enough to make them seriously worry that they’ll catch it. It’s helpful to reassure your child that kids actually seem to have milder symptoms.

Focus on what you’re doing to stay safe. Kids feel empowered when they know what to do to keep themselves safe. That you as a parent are helping them take precautions. Like washing hands , wearing masks, using sanitiser, social distancing as easy tools to fight the diseases. As the primary means of staying healthy.

Kids and Corona

Remind kids that they are taking care of themselves well by washing their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds when they come in from outside, before they eat, and after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or using the bathroom.

Stick to routine. Structured days with regular mealtimes and bedtimes are an essential part of keeping kids happy and healthy. Just like we do in their earlier summer vacations.

Keep talking. Tell kids that you will continue to keep them updated as you learn more.

Sunny Hindustani a good Indian Idol

A true role model Sunny

A true role model

As Indian Idol season 11 moves towards its Brand Finale, India have found its idol, the role model – Sunny (Hindustani).

Sunny in this season of Indian Idol is real find from the reality TV shows. While everything can be fixed, the real talent shows itself and no programming head can over ride it.

Sunny’s story is classic rags to riches one. Rising from the brink, deprivation to soar such heights that he single-handedly lifted the show again to great heights. He polished shoes in Bhatinda town of Punjab, his mother sold balloons, living in a deprecated house. He had two friends whom we met in the show. They taught him to polish shoes and motivated him to sing and improve his talent. He learned listening to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan songs and is the best thing that happened to Indian music scene in quite sometime now. His songs have gone Viral and are sensation. He has excelled in various songs and is a diamond talent.

If he were not here #SonyTV would have been left with #AdityaNarayan #NehaKakkar marriage gimmick to run the show. Neha Kakkar marriage gimmick watch here. Other contestants are also good and better than previous seasons of Indian Idol but Sunny Hindustani is class apart.

The Supreme (court) tragedy of India.

The Supreme Court is afraid and look for soft targets

As the Supreme Court of India appointed interlocutors to negotiate Shaheen Bagh settlement it is obvious that the SC have different approach for same sort of judgements and is grossly influenced by the religion, caste and class of the perpetrators. Why special treatment to this protestors, why no iron fist for them. In short the Supreme Court fondles the Muslim community, believes in giving them doles so that they accept their judgements and is callous towards Hindus and in recent pasts have seen to give judgements that hamper cause of Hindutva and harm the government be it in reservation of Jats or Marathas. In short Supreme Court is fearful of the influence peddled by show of strength wherein some thousand can gather anytime and destroy public property and attack people and police and then this Court shall ask government questions? Darti hai. This is the general feeling among the people who I usually interact with. But more than the fear it is the Congress ecosystem that is influencing judgements inspite of best legal arguments presented by the government.

The Supreme Court can only mock BJP governments, their subordinate courts can stop UP government imposing penalty on vandalism, can go on rampage on Ganga knowing fully well that cleaning Ganga is being done on war footing only after 2014. The SC has legalised gay marriage, have uphold extra marital relations which decay not only any religion but also the society as a whole. Now they have again transgressed it’s brief by interfering in Army business whether to grant permanent commission to women cadets or not. They on the contrary are again giving long rope to Nirbhaya rapists! The SC is not a PR company wherein some judges be allowed to score points by gimmicks. Supreme court of India is a serious business.

Then this SC is doing serious damage to econmy by its interference and taking over the policy making of government. It has ruined Telecom industry hampering job opportunities and quality of service. Now it seems SC wants govt to push for Electric Vehicles. Seems, create doubts, that it is acting under some deep pocket interest group. This is not s good thing.

I understand anything against SC is contempt but like our legislators they cannot avoid their scrutiny.

They resist reform within their fraternity. They want to interfere and reform everyone else. This is not done.

Memories of the future

इक अनजानी अनकही अनहोनी

आहट सी है

आंखें पथरा गईं

नींद बेचैन सी है

आधी रात गुजर चुकी

सुबह दूर सी है

A new dawn- so near yet too…

It’s lonely being an entrepreneur

I would be sharing my experience as an entrepreneur with you all. To summarise I want to convey that ‘it’s lonely being an entrepreneur’…
I have survived various phases after leaving my routine career and job, inspired by NaMo.
I started alongwith like-minded friends an advertising creative agency. We aimed at developing creative market (in Meerut) and were fairly successful. Then we progressed from being a service agency into an unrelated field of e-commerce wherein we started selling on online marketplaces. We are presently majorly into e-commerce and here I feel that it’s lonely. We have over 10 employees with us now and gives manufacturing orders to other MSMEs. It’s team work. But we are in constant fear. Sometimes there is law order issue of thefts to worry about, sometime we have people from different departments coming out to be managed. We are alone, we feel alone. The fear is not monetary or financial nature . Although seeking every & any suggestion costs us money but we have no place to go for serious discussions of our issues and problems or to get insights on business environment and trends.
My humble suggestion to this background story is that people like us, the entrepreneur’ must also be made part of business associations and forums. For example IIA should make us members, although we are not directly into manufacturing but are supporting Enterprises with our orders.
Police and other industrial, housing authorities must be made sensitive towards our travails of being a first gen entrepreneur’.
We do not make much money , we have to plough whatever we make, to grow, we work for our satisfaction and to be part of Nation development. We are job creators.

When Education goes on strike?

So Schools in UP are resorting to bus strikes to put forth their grievances and pressurise the #Yogi govt. In fact this tactic of striking is nothing short of blackmailing. Will they strike teaching work another day? This is grave. And we doubt that this-striking bus service – may be pressurising government, it is only causing inconvenience to parents and the children. The parents want nothing – they are paying school fees, bus fee as wanted by the School- they want safety and quality education for students. And stand by what govt do to safeguard these. So no sympathy for schools when they resort to striking. Infact #good schools in #Meerut have half heartedly participated in the 2 day strike that began today to show their soladarity with the Federation. But the damage this mentality of striking shall cause is incomprehensible.
So by striking the Schools have placed themselves as any other labour based industry. The stark difference is that in industries the workers go on strike to fight for their rights, in case of schools it’s the Management’s of the school that resort to strike, not the teaching or non teaching staff, but the school owners. Isn’t it ridiculous. Schools are strong respected lobby group, educated and experienced, they can articulate their points WTO the govt of the day and find solutions but when they resort to striking it means something is seriously wrong with our education system.
And since the schools 🏫 are striking I have some suggestions:
1. Since safety security of school children is uncompromising phenomenon Schools must list the measures they take for it and fix responsibility for the same.
2. per day cost of running school transport must be agreed on. Based on it Fees may be set. The parent on the other hand will have to pay only for the day’s the bus is being run. Pre-paid /post paid transport fee mechanism may be adapted.
3. Work out solutions in case School Management decide to strike teaching work. Surely the contingency plans must be known to all.

The education system needs overhaul. Central Governement #NewEducationPolicy is long due. Mediocrity in Education can’t be accepted any more. #Modi ji have set high standards in governance and public policy. This strike is an unfortunate development.

Politics is a serious Enterprise

Amit Shah was present during the voting on Triple Talaq bill. This shows strong intent and seriousness on part of the government… The bill was smoothly passed in Rajya Sabha which have stalled several of governments legislation. Many members of the RajyaSabha saved themselves of the embarrasses by abstaining. These were the people who knew that on the ground the bill have support of the Muslim women and that it is also feared by the Muslim men. So they opposed the bill for the sake of it and abstained to not be seen as a party to any side.

Then there was usual Congress rants. It has to oppose everything that Modi Sarkaar will do. Even if it means going down the gutter even further. They are following the path of pappugiri.

The Muslim members in the house fear that this passing of bill will have severe ramifications, and it shall have. Next logical step is #UniformCivilCode. And Ram Mandir. And as women in a society gets empowered many social evils cease to exist. It’s starting of the dominance of male hegemony. The one thing that had kept women on an unfortunate leash , Talaq Talaq Talaq, have been uprooted.

It was delightful to hear in Parliament over 5 hour debate on this topic. There were insights and counter insights. There were insinuations and chichorapan (mainly Digvijay Singh and Sanjay Singh AAPiya) where they cheaply taunted PM for leaving his wife. Seriously something better from these foul mouthed is not even expected.

The political will, the sheer persistence shown in the passage of Triple Talaq bill is heartening that the governement is sensitive to its people and working towards easing their life. Surely Politics in India is changing for good

The Perils of an entrepreneur

It’s not a sin to fail

VG Siddhartha is missing and by the wordings of his departing letter it is clear that we have to be prepared for the worst. He writes to CafeCoffeeDay board “I have failed as an entrepreneur. I Hope someday you will understand, forgive and pardon me”. He Talks about being under financial pressure.Brings up issue of attachment of shares by IT department. He has been failed by a system that is uncompromising, rigid and costly, yes, you like it or not the corruption is costlier under ModiSarkar.

Entrepreneurs are poor breed. They give up everything to give a good living to their family. This ‘everything’ includes not just time and money, but pride. In the process they provide a respectable living to those working with him , they are his/her external family. The entrepreneurs have to fight system, have to abide by systems and any misadventure turn things turtle. There is no excuse for him. He has to pay the employees on time, he has to maintain his families lifestyle , their education and recreation. An entrepreneur is alone. Till he is successful he is surrounded by many – say the vendors, employees- even creditors, ready to fund him, loan him (ofcourse at a price). Then as tide turns which is bound to happen periodically he is alone. While his success is celebrated by all, all taking their share of success, when in crisis, an entrepreneur is alone. No system, no government, no media will see his side. Apart from the insensitive system , their are people lurking to see a failure. They clap when an entrepreneur goes in crisis situation. An individual can fight to a limit and then things snap. And drastic happens. We can understand the perils of VGS. His Cafe Coffee Day was a story of an Indian entrepreneurship at its best. He have employed more than 50000 people , he started Mindtree of which he sold his share to L&T at around 3000 crore. We must understand his business failed but his vision is what the country needs. He may have taken loans, done deals that is for the betterment of his company, this is without doubt.

The system, the authorities, the government must stand by it’s entrepreneurs. They need all the support when starting up or when in crisis, not be treated as cash cows when starting nor as dead cows by vultures when failing. They need to be respected always. It’s not a sin to fail. Pray for VGS